Alex Nazarovsky

MATLAB, DSP, Julia, Power quality, Engineering, Metrology

Using Coursera-dl to Download Lecture Videos and Materials From

I use Coursera-dl to download lecture videos and materials from Coursera, so I can watch them later after the course is finished. How to install coursera-dl on Windows machine? It’s easy.

1.First of all you need to download Python 2.7 (don’t download Python 3, it is a different and incompatible version) from Python download page.

2.Then install Pip (Python package manager)

  • Download file to Python directory.
  • Run the command line cmd
  • Change directory to your Python installation ( C:\Python27 for my case )
  • execute python

3.Install Coursera-dl script

  • In the command line change directory to pip (C:\Python27\Scripts for my case)
  • execute pip install coursera-dl

4.Now you are ready to download materials! For this you need the class name identificator from the browser URL.

Provide your user name and password, directory to download and class name identificator as the parameters into coursera-dl script. Don’t forget, that you have to accept the honor code of the class before using this script (happens the very first time you go to the class page).

Sample command line to download Coursera materials for current Machine Learning class
coursera-dl -u myusername -p mypassword -d C:\Coursera\ ml-006m